You’re back at the dentist and they ask you the dreaded question once again: “How often do you floss?” If you’re like many others in this country, your answer probably isn’t as good as it could be. In fact, studies have shown that as much as one third of all Americans don’t floss at all! So what’s the big deal with flossing? What exactly are you expected to do and how often?

While there have been some to doubt the health benefits of interdental cleaning (flossing) over the years, the American Dental Association recommends making it a part of your daily oral hygiene routine. Supplementing brushing your teeth with flossing helps to further prevent cavities and gum disease. Gum disease has been linked to other conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, making it even more important to ensure that your mouth is not left untreated!

In order to avoid these more severe scenarios one of the key focuses of flossing is removing plaque, the sticky film that can form on your teeth. Within the plaque lives bacteria that feeds off of leftover food/sugar in your mouth. Along with housing this bacteria, allowing the plaque to remain on your teeth without cleaning for extended periods of time allows it to harden into tartar, a rough substance that can only be removed by your dentist.

As stated above, it is recommended that flossing should be done daily. stands by this recommendation. These few extra minutes each day can save you from a great deal of discomfort and time should any of these conditions remain untreated. Please note that this should not be a painful process. If done daily, discomfort can be expected for the first week or two but should subside beyond that.

To find a product that works best for you, look for the ADA Seal of Approval or talk to your dentist. If you’re in the Lima, Elida, Jackson Center, or Botkins areas we’d love to schedule a dental cleaning appointment with you today and make sure your oral hygiene stays on the healthy track!

From – keep smiling!