There are many good ways to prepare your little one to go to the dental office. You can read books or watch videos; there are lots of good videos online just to help prepare them for what’s coming.
If you want to bring them in for a cleaning and have them sit there and watch so they know
what to prepare for otherwise, just talk to them and let them know you know there’s nothing to be scared of. They’re going to clean their teeth, count your teeth, check your teeth, and then you get a prize at the end.
Make sure you make your appointment at a time of day when your child is going to be awake, alert, and well-behaved usually, morning works best. It’s important to know that your child may become upset during their dental appointment; everyone will do their best to help keep the child calm at the first appointment.
When you bring them, ensure you have a list of any questions about your child’s teeth or specific questions about their home care.